EMF Measurement & Analysis

Cost-effective, accurate and comprehensive EMF & RF surveys, assessments and measurements from Eurofins E&E UK, the Electromagnetic Experts.

Reduce business risk, ensure on-going compliance with Health & Safety legislation and understand your electromagnetic environment with an independent third-party assessment of EMF & RF levels that includes a detailed report with clear actions, recommendations and mitigation advice.

Our on-site measurements are carried out by our PhD-level experts using state-of-the-art equipment so you can be sure that the information you get is true, accurate and actionable.

The legislation sets out European wide limits for the safe levels of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) in the workplace. These levels can be measured, and Eurofins E&E UK is able to carry out the measurements and interpret the results, creating a report that can be included in the Health and Safety File for the workplace.

Re-assessment on asset change or on a time based system is also available (e.g. yearly). This legislation covers all workplaces and we are able to advise on the likelihood of high EMF enabling you to make a decision on how best to manage the risk.

There is a lot of misinformation, misunderstanding and misinterpretation around regarding the effect of Electromagnetic Fields on the human body. Eurofins E&E UK ensures that all advice given is backed up by scientific evidence, peer reviewed research and by application of the correct legislative requirements.

How can we help

  • Training; scheduled or bespoke EMF training on the theoretical, practical and legislative training to suit you and your company and help you to understand and comply with the regulations
  • Testing; site-surveys and reports covering developments near transmitters, large power generation and workplace surveys
  • Expert Services; advice on resolving EMF issues, zoning principles, interpretation of results and risk management
  • Risk assessment of sites and locations covering e.g factories, foundries, on-site intentional transmitters and antennas, radar, magnetic machines

Why use Eurofins E&E UK

  • Our company specialises in EMF and EMC and has been carrying out commercial testing for over 20 years. There are not many environments or results we have not come across before
  • We only use calibrated field probes that are applicable to the latest regulatory requirements and limits set out by the UK government
  • We hold ISO 9001 certification for all of our Expert Services activities (which our EMF surveys and reports fall under), with the result that all of our reports are checked and approved by qualified employees
  • All of our EMF specialists are educated to doctorate level, and have extensive knowledge of both the legislative side of EMF and the practical implementation of the legislation
  • Each survey we perform includes a detailed breakdown of the results and comparison with the applicable ICNIRP limits, a verbal debrief and a detailed report

For EMF services or advice please contact our York office.