Test and Measurement Health Check

Our Test and Measurement Health Check is a flexible service designed to reduce risk and increase measurement confidence within a manufacturer’s EMC test facility.

Do you use your own test facilities to assist in quantifying the EMC performance of your products? This might be at the development stage, as the precursor to using a third party accredited laboratory or even as the basis for CE Marking.

Testing against the requirements of relevant harmonised European standards is the most common way of technically evaluating a product for EMC as part of the CE Marking process. The consequence of unquantified in-house test results, or using or interpreting in-house test results incorrectly can be financially costly, increase the product’s time to market and risk brand reputation.

Eurofins E&E UK offers an EMC facilities test and measurement review service to help you have confidence in your test results.

Avoiding unnecessary or incorrect testing

Many organisations use their own test facilities to assist them in quantifying the EMC performance of their products. These facilities range from very basic set-ups with a functional but limited capability to fully compliant laboratories.

We offer a bespoke health check tailored to your facility.

The benefits to you

  • Understand your measurement capability in comparison to relevant standards
  • Be confident that you are utilising your facilities to the maximum benefit
  • Obtain the best test results available
  • Assess your measurement procedures
  • Identify checks that will improve measurement confidence

What a test and measurement health check includes

A health check can include some or all of the following, depending upon an individual organisation’s needs

  • A review of the test capability against specific standards
  • Validation of facility performance such as anechoic chambers and open area test sites
  • An assessment of the integrity of the test and set-ups
  • A review of test procedures and processes
  • Problem diagnosis and solutions
  • A review of test personnel training and competence
  • Advice on implementing on-going equipment and system checks
  • Facility enhancements

Whatever the outcome of your Health Check, Eurofins E&E UK can assist in ensuring that there is the maximum confidence in the results obtained from in-house tests and measurements facilities.

For more information on our EMC facilities, test and measurement review service, or to enquire about having your EMC facilities health checked, please contact the Expert Services team at our York office.